priorities first.......................we will be closed on friday 25th dec, saturday 26th december,and sunday 27th december, also friday 1st january, saturday 2nd january and sunday 3rd january.
anyone who normally rides on these days can transfer their lesson to another day.
christmas activities.
monday 21st december. junior and intermediate young riders club, 10am - 1pm £20.00
festive dress fun and games.
tuesday 22nd december. first of our christmas games rallies. open to all those that can canter. 2pm £20.00 collect points towards next weeks rally.
wednesday 23rd december christmas fun afternoon. have fun dressing up yourself and your pony and their stable too if you wish prizes for best dressed. make christmas cards and then get tired out playing games and races. suitable for all the little ones from wobbly riders upwards.
monday 28th december, junior and intermediate young riders club, 10am - 1pm £20.00
tuesday 29th december final games rally, open to all those that can canter. 2pm, £20.00
overall points champion
thursday 31st december, senior jumping competition, clear rounds from any height you want, joker fence and a few other festive classes too.
booking essential for all of the above events.
Friday, 6 November 2009
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
october show
well the weather held out for the show and we all managed to stay dry. All the competitors had a good day and i think everyone went home happy with at least one rossette. Winner of the best rider 10 years and under was Olivia Brown, and the best rider 11 years and over was Jade Edmund. congratulations to both. All three jumping classes went well and we had some exciting jump offs with some very fast times too. The pony club games are always good fun and as usual everyone joined in, the relay race ran fine however the potato and spoon race and the obstacle race involved a bit of cheating lol lol. We had to award a couple of special awaards to paula for being the oldest rider.........and to emma calder for being the most stylish faller offer!!!!!!!!! points were awarded all day and the overall points champion was Olivia Brown with Rosie.well done. Big thanks to Ann Thompson for coming along to judge and to all the friends and family who came along to support the competitors.
Monday, 12 October 2009
okay, okay,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i know its a bit early but, if anyone has any ideas of stuff to do during the christmas hols then let me know. we will do all the usual stuff like pony loan and pony days but if you fancy doing something a bit different then leave me a comment or two, and i will see what we can come up with.
cowboy and indians
well what a laugh we all had on sunday afternoon as all the clients appeared on the yard dressed as cowboys/girls and indians. i am sure the chicken shop must have been sold out!!!!!!!!!!with everyone split into two rides we set off around the loch in opposite directions searching for WANTED posters, and armed with water pistols and hundreds of stickers. when both rides were in site off each other there was a stand off as each team worked out a strategy. nobody wanted shot or stickered!!!!!!!!!!!jim, bethan, leah j, leah d, jade and paula set off around the bushes at a desperate rate off knots to try and catch each other. leah d ended up on her feet trailing her pony after her at one point and still nobody caught lol, it really was like a scene from penelope pitstop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!with lots of yee haaas each ride set off again on the route home, all made it home safely well nearly. a low branch on the kids ride meant that anyone on anything bigger than a 12.2 would have to try a bit of limbo................ unfortunately for rebecca her pony tara is 13.2..............hee hee well you can guess the rest. back at base, camp cook robert had the beans and sausages ready as everyone was starving!!!!thanks to all who attended it really was great fun, and is set to be another activity for our annual calander
Friday, 9 October 2009
october holidays
it seems no time at all since we were on the summer holidays, and now here i am letting you know whats on for october.
loan a pony for 5 days. £60.00 an ideal chance to own your own pony for the week, keeping it here at the stables as if it were on working livery. no riding instructon is included however all children will be given the opportunity to ride supervised in the indoor school on a daily basis. hacks and lessons can be booked as normal, and you can enjoy the livery discount too.
special offer.
4 hacks for £50.00 all hacks must be used within the october break, and can be used along with the loan a pony.
cowboy and indian hack.
themed hack for all those that can canter. sense odf humour and water pistols required. collect the wanteed posters(some of which will look familiar lol) aas you canter round the loch. authentic western beans and sausages await you on your return ;-)
october show
show jumping, best rider classes. clear rounds and pony club games. all riders welcome
phone the office and speak to lynne to book or for more info
loan a pony for 5 days. £60.00 an ideal chance to own your own pony for the week, keeping it here at the stables as if it were on working livery. no riding instructon is included however all children will be given the opportunity to ride supervised in the indoor school on a daily basis. hacks and lessons can be booked as normal, and you can enjoy the livery discount too.
special offer.
4 hacks for £50.00 all hacks must be used within the october break, and can be used along with the loan a pony.
cowboy and indian hack.
themed hack for all those that can canter. sense odf humour and water pistols required. collect the wanteed posters(some of which will look familiar lol) aas you canter round the loch. authentic western beans and sausages await you on your return ;-)
october show
show jumping, best rider classes. clear rounds and pony club games. all riders welcome
phone the office and speak to lynne to book or for more info
Monday, 31 August 2009
summer pony club camp day one
okay folks. it has taken me all this time to recover from camp. we have been so busy i just havent had time to update the blog. so appologies all round. anyway back to the camp!!!!!!! so best to start at the goes!!!!!!!!!!!all the kids arrived before 7pm on the sunday evening. that is all 37 kids!to find a disco, bouncy castle and gladiator wrestling all laid on for them, peter brought in the mobile catering van so all kids were suitably fed and tired out. even the adults joined in with the fun. pictures to follow....... i promise.
for the monday the kids were split into groups and enjoyed a variety of activities, plus the usual mucking out etc before all having a one hour lesson annd then enjoying a long hack around the loch..... oh and did i mention that they were all up at about 5.30am for breakfast.
monday evening we had games master bethen to get everyone rallied round to play rounders and tig, although a few had collapsed in front of the telly by this point.
eventually persauded off to bed we all had a much more peacefull night, and funnily enough there was no body up and around at 5.30 for brekky on the tuesday morning...... more like 9am lol lol!!!!!!!!!
tuesday was competiton day. all the kids competed their ponies over showjumps and had great fun doing pony club games. everyone rode really well even when some of the ponies were a little bit cheeky when doing the tack box race, eh zoe!!!!!!!!!!!1we all cried with laughter when zoes pony took a dislike to the tackbox and hurtled off round the field untill zoe had to eventually give up and drop the box. infact i think their was quite a lot of cheating went on in the games, but we were all having way to much fun to care.....
thanks to everyone who took part and all the volunteer helpers tooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope to see you all again for the next pony camp
for the monday the kids were split into groups and enjoyed a variety of activities, plus the usual mucking out etc before all having a one hour lesson annd then enjoying a long hack around the loch..... oh and did i mention that they were all up at about 5.30am for breakfast.
monday evening we had games master bethen to get everyone rallied round to play rounders and tig, although a few had collapsed in front of the telly by this point.
eventually persauded off to bed we all had a much more peacefull night, and funnily enough there was no body up and around at 5.30 for brekky on the tuesday morning...... more like 9am lol lol!!!!!!!!!
tuesday was competiton day. all the kids competed their ponies over showjumps and had great fun doing pony club games. everyone rode really well even when some of the ponies were a little bit cheeky when doing the tack box race, eh zoe!!!!!!!!!!!1we all cried with laughter when zoes pony took a dislike to the tackbox and hurtled off round the field untill zoe had to eventually give up and drop the box. infact i think their was quite a lot of cheating went on in the games, but we were all having way to much fun to care.....
thanks to everyone who took part and all the volunteer helpers tooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope to see you all again for the next pony camp
Saturday, 22 August 2009
happy hackers club
returning to a sunday afternoon at 2pm
come along and join the fun
plenty of banter and lots of laughs
tea and coffee available in the gallery on your return
£20.00 per hour
block of 6 for £105
come along and join the fun
plenty of banter and lots of laughs
tea and coffee available in the gallery on your return
£20.00 per hour
block of 6 for £105
october holiday programme
5 day pony loan.
mon 12th - fri 16th
mon 19th - fri 23rd
speak to lynne to book
howdy dudey partner!!!!!!!!!!
cowboy and indian themed hack
sunday 11th october
book early to secure your favourite horse
lmec autumn show
sunday 18th october
from 2pm
£25.00 to hire includes entry into 2 classes
all other classes £2.00
clear round will run all afternoon no need to book just pay at the gate when you go in.
own a pony days are available by request or if you fancy an extra hack why not take advantage of our discounted block of 4 hacks for £50.00 these must be used in october and are booked in the normal way
mon 12th - fri 16th
mon 19th - fri 23rd
speak to lynne to book
howdy dudey partner!!!!!!!!!!
cowboy and indian themed hack
sunday 11th october
book early to secure your favourite horse
lmec autumn show
sunday 18th october
from 2pm
£25.00 to hire includes entry into 2 classes
all other classes £2.00
clear round will run all afternoon no need to book just pay at the gate when you go in.
own a pony days are available by request or if you fancy an extra hack why not take advantage of our discounted block of 4 hacks for £50.00 these must be used in october and are booked in the normal way
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
summer fun nights
what a fun night we had this monday evening. the kids even roped me in to do the games. the most entertaining jockey or should i say faller offer was leah devaney - who not only fell off once but provided the audience with an action replay lol. lol. caroline thought she would cheat in the water race however with the help of her pony spinning round in circles i managed to beat her. the 3 legged race was hysterical - as we were a team member down for this race we pinched nicholas to be emilys partner, with no sense of coordination, emily draped round nicholases neck practically had to be carried home. lol :-) margo and joyce appeared to have lost all steering and kept ending up in the wrong team. a few new additions to the fun nights were karen, fiona, simonne and niamh and ruby. hope you all had lots of fun and we will see you all next week for fun jumping. oh and karens husband is joining in too lol lol wonder which horse we should give him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, 13 July 2009
a great day out
travelling from possel park in glasgow we had 38 budding young jockeys come along to lochore meadows for the day. most of the children had never sat on a horse before, and by the time they left the centre they had all enjoyed a lesson in the school, learning to stop, start and steer, and even had a go at trotting, which caused great hilarity with some of the children. they then all headed out for a treck around the loch. we are looking forward to seeing you all again next year.
new horses
more new horses have joined the team here at lochore.
russel is a 16.2hh grey gelding, he is a complete gentleman and will be suitable for most adult and older teenage riders, he loves to jump and will be perfect for novice riders to learn on and more experienced riders too.
also george who is a 16.3hh chestnut gelding, also a complete gent, pops a fence nicely and will be suitable for novice to advanced riders.
digby is a 16.2hh skewbald gelding, suitable for intermediate riders. pops a nice fence and is an angel to hack.
all 3 will be introduced to the lessons over the next few weeks.
russel is a 16.2hh grey gelding, he is a complete gentleman and will be suitable for most adult and older teenage riders, he loves to jump and will be perfect for novice riders to learn on and more experienced riders too.
also george who is a 16.3hh chestnut gelding, also a complete gent, pops a fence nicely and will be suitable for novice to advanced riders.
digby is a 16.2hh skewbald gelding, suitable for intermediate riders. pops a nice fence and is an angel to hack.
all 3 will be introduced to the lessons over the next few weeks.
new lesson
we had a good turnout for the new lesson on sunday morning - introduction to jumping.
the group spent the hour improving their balance and position and also working on their control of paces. once this was established they moved on to trotting poles and finished with a few small jumps. they will spend the next few weeks with laura building on confidence and balance. anyone interested should speak to lynne
the group spent the hour improving their balance and position and also working on their control of paces. once this was established they moved on to trotting poles and finished with a few small jumps. they will spend the next few weeks with laura building on confidence and balance. anyone interested should speak to lynne
Thursday, 9 July 2009
dandy and dora
dandy and dora are now backed and ready to start work in the riding school. they are ever so cute, and very well behaved. they will start out doing trecks and will soon be doing lessons.
dressage to music
we have quite a few entries for the dressage to music competition, so if you want to join in get your name on the list. we have been watching some of the teams practice, so it should be a good night..
new arrivals
squeekie the siamese cat has had 5 adorable kittens, which i am sure will soon be running around causing chaos. lol lol :-)
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
pony club camp
just a wee note to let you all know we will be having a party and bbq on the sunday evening of camp, we have also arranged the entertainment.....................bouncy castles, sumo wrestler suits, and much more, mums and dads welcome to come along, so if you dont want to miss out on all the fun make sure you get booked in. spaces are running out.
stuff you might need.
sleeping bag
lots of spare clothes.
munchies for 2 evenings
money for lunch
there will be a list put up in reception of any other extras.
stuff you might need.
sleeping bag
lots of spare clothes.
munchies for 2 evenings
money for lunch
there will be a list put up in reception of any other extras.
new lessons
due to the high demand of clients wishing to learn to jump we have created a new lesson on a sunday morning at 10.30am.
introduction to jumping
starting with basic pole work, suitable for all riders canter 3 aiming towards canter 4/5
assessment may be required before entry to this lesson.
booking essential.
if you are interested speak to lynne
special introductory offer for this lesson. block of 6 for £95.00,
introduction to jumping
starting with basic pole work, suitable for all riders canter 3 aiming towards canter 4/5
assessment may be required before entry to this lesson.
booking essential.
if you are interested speak to lynne
special introductory offer for this lesson. block of 6 for £95.00,
special offers
new for summer 2009
trek and trot, an introductory course of lessons for children 10 years and under.
involves a short lesson in the school and a trek out around the loch.
suitable for complete beginners or nervous children
these lessons take place on mon/wed/thur/fri, between 3pm and 4pm. throughout the summer holidays.
block of four 1/2 hr sessions £35.00
booking essential
happy hackers club
if you fancy hacking mon/wed/thur/fri, throughout the summer then take advantage of this great offer.
6 hacks are only £80.00
booking essential, the block can be split between friends/family members if required.
trek and trot, an introductory course of lessons for children 10 years and under.
involves a short lesson in the school and a trek out around the loch.
suitable for complete beginners or nervous children
these lessons take place on mon/wed/thur/fri, between 3pm and 4pm. throughout the summer holidays.
block of four 1/2 hr sessions £35.00
booking essential
happy hackers club
if you fancy hacking mon/wed/thur/fri, throughout the summer then take advantage of this great offer.
6 hacks are only £80.00
booking essential, the block can be split between friends/family members if required.
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
summer fun nights
yet again we had a great turnout for the games evening. mostly adults had booked in however the kids did not want to be outdone and joined in too. joyce and joanne were team leaders and picked there own teams. somehow joanne got all the kids in her team. a touch of bribery perhaps!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol lol however the adults pulled it out of the bag and won 4 out of the 7 races, and so have accumulated plenty of points to carry forward to next weeks fun jumping night.
highlights of the night...................joyce landed upside down whilst trying to dismount and her pony beat her home................leah d fell off frankie landed on her feet and continued running.................leah j had no steering and kept getting in the other teams way and also made poor bethan(games master) run for cover on more than one occasion. the audience were crying with laughter. well done to all who took part. cant wait till next week..........................if anyone else would like to join in then let me know.......
highlights of the night...................joyce landed upside down whilst trying to dismount and her pony beat her home................leah d fell off frankie landed on her feet and continued running.................leah j had no steering and kept getting in the other teams way and also made poor bethan(games master) run for cover on more than one occasion. the audience were crying with laughter. well done to all who took part. cant wait till next week..........................if anyone else would like to join in then let me know.......
Sunday, 28 June 2009
fun lesson
ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!! finally we have some teenagers with a sense of humour lol lol..............our advanced lesson decided to trade in their usual mounts for all the dinky ponies. no need for stirrups and mounting blocks cos the jockeys legs are longer than the ponies!!!!!!!!!!!!! after a quick game of tig to warm up, we hurtled through some pony club games, swapped ponies and did it all again. very funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!well done to all the girls who took part caitlynd, anais, emma, jade, amy and he two leah,s
Thursday, 25 June 2009
dressage to music
a late addition to the summer programme. a dressage to music competition on wednesday 29th july at 6pm. join up with some friends and make up a routine. practice times can be arranged.
£40.00 per team. speak to lynne to find out more or to book.
£40.00 per team. speak to lynne to find out more or to book.
Saturday, 30 May 2009
beach hack
Tuesday 2nd june.
we are planning to head off to the beach mid morning. if you would like to hire a horse and come and join us speak to lynne or nick. suitable for experienced riders only. limited spaces in the lorry so book now to avoid missing out.
we are planning to head off to the beach mid morning. if you would like to hire a horse and come and join us speak to lynne or nick. suitable for experienced riders only. limited spaces in the lorry so book now to avoid missing out.
Thursday, 28 May 2009
pony club camp
the long awaited dates have finally been set for the pony club camp 2009. so you can all stop nagging me now. lol lol
arrive on sunday 9th august at 7pm and stay over untill tuesday 11th at 4pm
jumping, games, dressage, competitions, hacking, demonstrations and much more.
suitable for all levels of riders however you must be 10 years old and over.
rounders, tig, limbo and any other mad games you can think of. plus bbq
bring your own sleeping bag and any extra munchies you require cos there are now 2 nights for midnight feasts.
just remember i am even older this year so am taking a few days off after to recover lol lol :-)
p.s any parents who think they are getting off child free can forget it. we are always looking for volunteers to help especially if you have a nice comfy, soundproof caravan, eh angela!!!!!!!!!!
arrive on sunday 9th august at 7pm and stay over untill tuesday 11th at 4pm
jumping, games, dressage, competitions, hacking, demonstrations and much more.
suitable for all levels of riders however you must be 10 years old and over.
rounders, tig, limbo and any other mad games you can think of. plus bbq
bring your own sleeping bag and any extra munchies you require cos there are now 2 nights for midnight feasts.
just remember i am even older this year so am taking a few days off after to recover lol lol :-)
p.s any parents who think they are getting off child free can forget it. we are always looking for volunteers to help especially if you have a nice comfy, soundproof caravan, eh angela!!!!!!!!!!
summer programme
as promised here is the summer programme. we might add in a few extras here and there so keep checking back for more updates.
own a pony days every monday and friday throughout the holidays. suitable for all ages and all levels of riders. £40.00 per day. 10am - 4pm
champagne and strwberries hack. thursday16th july at 6.30pm. £25.00 per person. 1 1/2 hours hack with yummy strawberries and champagne in the gallery on your return. one not to be missed!!!!!!!!!!!!
new for 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! games and jumping summer series. 6 fun filled evenings of pony club games and showjumping :-) rossettes for everyone. suitable for everyone. 29th june, 6th, 13th, 20,27th july and 3rd august starting at 6.30pm each monday evening sense of humour may be required
own a pony days every monday and friday throughout the holidays. suitable for all ages and all levels of riders. £40.00 per day. 10am - 4pm
champagne and strwberries hack. thursday16th july at 6.30pm. £25.00 per person. 1 1/2 hours hack with yummy strawberries and champagne in the gallery on your return. one not to be missed!!!!!!!!!!!!
new for 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! games and jumping summer series. 6 fun filled evenings of pony club games and showjumping :-) rossettes for everyone. suitable for everyone. 29th june, 6th, 13th, 20,27th july and 3rd august starting at 6.30pm each monday evening sense of humour may be required
Monday, 18 May 2009
well folks we all had a fab night out on friday to celebrating carolines(staff) birthday. fiona and amy did an excelllent performance of maggie may. and then mirium and laura had a go at singing and dancing to Y.M.C.A. they were doing just fine untill there song was ambushed by fiona, amy and bethan. bethan was hysterical and could definately do with a few singing lol, she was so enjoying herself she didnt want to give the mike back. a great night was had by all and i am sure we will be doing it again soon.
get blogging
come on you guys, get yourself registerd and start blogging. your not all normally so quiet. lol lol...................
Sunday, 10 May 2009
summer holidays
well we have only just recovered from the easter holidays, and we are being asked whats on for the summer holidays. i am working on it and i promise to have the summer programme posted on the web site as soon as possible. so if you have any good ideas of things you want to do let me know.
in the meantime, the schools are off on the 1st and 2nd of june, so we will run an own a pony day on the monday. this will be suitable for children of all standards, or adults too. on the tuesday we thought we might do something a little different. so if anyone would like to go on a beach hack then pop in to the office and let us know. this would only be suitable for experienced riders.
in the meantime, the schools are off on the 1st and 2nd of june, so we will run an own a pony day on the monday. this will be suitable for children of all standards, or adults too. on the tuesday we thought we might do something a little different. so if anyone would like to go on a beach hack then pop in to the office and let us know. this would only be suitable for experienced riders.
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Medival party

last night was awsesome thanks to all who attended
the pictures will be available to view on the web site
Friday, 1 May 2009
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