Friday, 25 June 2010

summer programme

sorry we have been off line for a wee while, but we are back with lots of exciting news and updates.
our summer holiday programme runs as follows

Saturday 17th July 12 noon - 3pm
2nd hand equestrian gear sale. if you have any good quality and safe items you would like to sell then hand them in to the office befor the sale.

Thursday 29th July 6.30pm
champagne and strawberries hack. back with popular demand - book your horse now.

Friday 30th july 9am
young riders club show, jumping, games, showing classes

own a pony for the day every mon/thurs/fri. throughout the summer holidays

wobbly riders 1/2 day pony loan- any monday afternoon throughout the holidays

5 day pony lease - as per last year

summer holiday pony lease. own your own pony for the whole holidays.

4 hacks for £40.00

pony club camp 9th and 10th August.

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